
I am a Research Professional (predoc) in economics at the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics, University of Chicago. I am working with Prof. Oeindrila Dube on topics in development economics and political economy.

I am interested in quasi-experimental research using large datasets to answer interesting socio-economic questions. I am broadly interested in development economics, labour economics and political economy.

Previously, I worked as a senior data associate at Good Business Lab (GBL) in New Delhi. I worked with Prof. Achyuta Adhvaryu, Prof. Anant Nyshadhyam and Prof. Teresa Molina on research in the topics of worker well-being. Prior to that I completed my masters in Economics from the Paris School of Economics (PSE) in 2020 where I was a Charapak Masters Scholar. Earlier, I graduated from Ramjas College, University of Delhi with a B.A. (Hons) in Economics in 2018.